YDL offers exam proctoring services for a $15 fee per exam. Staff are available to proctor exams and tests during the library’s open hours. Send an email to [email protected] or call the Adult Services department at (734) 482-4110 x1377 for more information.
To schedule your exam, complete a proctor request form below, or submit a paper form at the Whittaker Road Library.
Questions? Email [email protected] or call (734) 482-4110 x1377.
Exam Proctoring Guidelines
- Proctoring is available during regular library hours at our Whittaker Road location, 5577 Whittaker Road Ypsilanti MI 48197. The Library can provide a laptop for online exams upon request.
- The Proctoring fee is $15.00 per exam, due at the time the exam is administered. The Library accepts cash, checks, and credit or debit payments.
- The library cannot guarantee that students will be observed at all times during exams.
- The proctor may be someone other than the person originally contacted by the student.
- One week advance notice is required for software installation on any Library equipment. The Library will notify the student if software installation is not possible on library equipment.
- Examinations not completed within 30 days of receipt will not be retained unless specific arrangements have been made by the student.
- The library is not responsible for retaining copies of past tests after the date requested by the examining institution.
- The library reserves the right to refuse proctoring if the guidelines are not followed and student responsibilities are not fulfilled.
Student Responsibilities
- Confirm with the school that the library guidelines fulfill school proctoring requirements.
- Complete, sign and return the proctor request form. Return in person or via email to: [email protected]
- Confirm that the library has received the exam.
- Schedule your exam with a librarian at least 48 hours in advance.
- Contact the library to cancel a scheduled test time. Tests missed without notice will not be rescheduled.
- Come prepared with appropriate I.D.
- Provide address and stamped envelopes for exams that need to be returned by mail.
- Relinquish personal laptops, cell phones, and all other materials not allowed during testing. A space will be provided to safely store these items.