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Whether you’re writing a paper, finishing your homework, fixing a car, or working on a business plan, our online databases have verified articles and publications to help you find the right answers. If you still have questions, ask a librarian!

Need an overview on how to use our research or other digital resources? There may be training videos from Niche Academy that can help. Look for the Niche logo underneath select resources to access a tutorial on using the product. You can also browse all our Niche Academy resources from our Niche Academy main page.


Psst… Looking for downloadable eBooks, audiobooks, kids’ books, and more? They are on the Digital Collections page.

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A.P. Marshall African American Oral History Archive

A collection of interviews of Ypsilanti residents who lived through the Jim Crow era, fought racism during WWII, and led the local Civil Rights movement.

abcmouse logo

ABCmouse Early Learning Academy is an engaging online curriculum for children ages 2–8+, including reading and language arts, math, beginning science, social studies, art, and music. Enter your YDL card number to create an account.

Academic Search Complete

Academic Search Complete is a comprehensive scholarly, full-text database.

alt health watch logo

Alt HealthWatch is a database that uses complementary, holistic, integrated approaches.

ancestry logo

A large collection of census, vital, military, and immigration records for genealogy research. ***Remote access to Ancestry has ended. You will again have to use a library computer to access the database.***

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Conduct market research, find business prospects, develop sales leads, research businesses, or find a job.

iPhone App

Auto Repair Source

Car repair manuals and other automotive resources for DIYers.

Biography Reference Center

More than 450,000 biographies, from television personalities to political figures to authors and artists.

britannica school logo

Quick facts and in-depth information for assignments at any grade level.

consumer health complete logo

Consumer Health Complete is a database that contains medical encyclopedias, books, and magazine articles.

Consumer Reports

Complete access to the popular product evaluation and ratings magazine.

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Creativebug logo

Thousands of award-winning art and craft video classes taught by recognized design experts and artists.

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Demographics Now

Comprehensive business and demographic information for researchers and entrepreneurs.

Digital Michigan Newspaper Portal

A list of over 1,000 digitally-accessible newspaper collections across Michigan.

Early World of Learning

An interactive educational experience for young learners age 3 and up. With stories, songs, games, and videos, kids will practice concepts such as letters, numbers, shapes, and more.

Enciclopedia Estudiantil Hallazgos

World Book Encyclopedia en español, que ofrece un diccionario, atlas, ayuda con la tarea, materiales didácticos y planes de estudio. ENGLISH: World Book Encyclopedia in Spanish, which offers a dictionary, atlas, homework help, study aids, and lesson plans.

Entrepreneurial Studies Source

Entrepreneurial Studies Source is an essential database for business students and researchers, providing the latest insights on entrepreneurship and small businesses topics. It offers full-text business journals, magazines, reference books, case studies and company profiles.

explora logo

Arts, biography, business, current events, geography and culture, health, history and social science, science, and math.

Welcome to the world’s largest database of American food, culture, and recipes. AtoZ Food America provides thousands of recipes, hundreds of fascinating culture articles, an essential culinary reference section, and helpful video hacks, tips, and more.

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health source logo

HealthSource: Consumer Edition is a database that contains consumer health magazines.

History Reference Center logo

Documents, photos, maps, film, and video from leading history journals, including biographies of historical figures.

Hobbies & Crafts Reference Center logo

Hobbies & Crafts Reference Center database offers detailed “how-to” instructions and creative ideas to meet the interests of virtually every hobby enthusiast. Full text is provided from leading hobby and craft magazines.

Home Improvement Reference Center

Through a collection of comprehensive full-text content, Home Improvement Reference Center provides users with detailed, user-friendly “how-to” information covering a variety of home improvement and repair projects.

LearningExpress Library

Practice exams and eBook study guides for GED, ACT, SAT, ASVAB, nursing, and others; includes computer skills training videos.

Legal Information Reference Center

Designed for the general public, includes thousands of legal forms.

literary reference center logo

A full-text database with information on thousands of authors and their works across literary disciplines and timeframes. LRC includes plot summaries, essays of literary criticism, biographies, book reviews, poems, short stories, and author interviews.

Mango Languages logo

Start learning one of over 40 different languages! Lessons include vocabulary, grammar, and multimedia components, along with an engaging interface and interactive tools.

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MasterFILE complete logo

General interest magazine articles, reference books, primary source material, with some full-text resources dating back to 1922.

medline plus logo

Extensive and up-to-date information about diseases, conditions, drugs, and clinical trials. Appropriate for patients, families, and doctors.

Michigan Authors & Illustrators

Find biographical information about Michigan authors and illustrators of all genres and subjects.

Michigan History Magazine Logo

Published by the Historical Society of Michigan, Michigan History offers readers an inspiring array of articles about Michigan’s diverse history.

Muzzy logo

With Muzzy’s “See and Listen, Say and Learn” model, youngsters are engaged in a visual and auditory experience that employs the natural immersion approach to learning a new language.

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my heritage logo

One of the largest genealogy databases of its kind, with over 6 billion historical records from the U.S. and around the world.

Create a free account with your email (if you don’t already have one), then click for a 24-hour access code.

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Newspaper source plus

860+ full-text newspapers, plus TV and radio news transcripts.

Niche academy logo

Niche Academy has online learning and tutorials on everything from Pinterest to Value Line. 

Novelist K-8 Plus logo

Find just the right book by subject, age, awards won, books made into movies, and more. Read reviews and learn about the author. Create your own reading wish list. Includes tools for teachers, such as Lexile levels and Common Core standards.

Novelist plus logo

Trusted source of read-alike recommendations to help kids and adults find books that are just right for their reading level and interest.

opposing viewpoints logo

Current events and issues, such as gun control, global warming, and capital punishment, are explored with pro/con viewpoints and interactive maps and articles in this tool for persuasive essay writers.

Pebble Go Logo

Animals and social studies come to life in this easy-to-navigate and visual learning tool for youngsters pre-K and up.

Poetry & short story reference center

Hundreds of thousands of poems, as well as short stories, biographies, and essays. Topics include the poetic forms, movements, and techniques.

read it

Basic grammar and reading tools and adapted reading material for English Language Learners.

Read Michigan Logo is a statewide eBook collection consisting of eBooks published by local university presses about Michigan and the Great Lakes region.

Referencia Latina

Full text Spanish-language encyclopedia and magazine articles, newspapers, and health reports.

Regional Business News

Regional business publications.

science resource center logo

More than 4,000 full text articles covering biology, chemistry, earth & space science, the environment, health & medicine, history of science, life science, physics, science & society, science as inquiry, and wildlife.

Small Business Reference Center

Planning, financing, and managing a business.

Small Engine Repair Reference Center

Everything from boat motors to snow blowers. logo

Get live homework help from real tutors every day of the year. From algebra to writing feedback, students in grades K-12 can access free help from any device, including mobile apps.

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value line

With accurate and insightful investment research on companies, industries, markets, and stocks, Value Line gives you the tools to make smarter, more profitable decisions and to evaluate investments with confidence.

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world book online logo

Get online access to World Book Kids, as well as the Spanish-language version.

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WorldCat logo

A worldwide catalog of books and other materials from the collections of over 72,000 libraries in 170 countries.

Ypsilanti Commercial Masthead

Search vital records–births, deaths, and marriages–from The Ypsilanti Commercial newspaper, which was published from 1865-1900.