Health & Wellness
Alt HealthWatch is a database that uses complementary, holistic, integrated approaches.
Consumer Health Complete is a database that contains medical encyclopedias, books, and magazine articles.
Welcome to the world’s largest database of American food, culture, and recipes. AtoZ Food America provides thousands of recipes, hundreds of fascinating culture articles, an essential culinary reference section, and helpful video hacks, tips, and more.
HealthSource: Consumer Edition is a database that contains consumer health magazines.
Extensive and up-to-date information about diseases, conditions, drugs, and clinical trials. Appropriate for patients, families, and doctors.
Local, regional, and state resources
General health websites
Drug information
Senior health
Health insurance
Washtenaw Health Plan
County site that provides information on the Marketplace, the Healthy Michigan Plan, and other local and state programs.
Healthcare Counts!
A program of Washtenaw Health Plan that strives toward 100% health care coverage for county residents. Click on the Where Do I Start? tab to find eligibility information for various programs. Where Can I Get Help? lists agencies that provide assistance.
Healthy Michigan Plan
Medicaid expansion coverage from the State of Michigan.
Health Insurance Consumer Assistance
Information from Michigan’s Department of Insurance and Financial Services.
The official Affordable Care Act website. Understand your choices, and select health care coverage that best suits your needs at the Health Insurance Marketplace.
Find local help for
Find Assisters and Agents/Brokers to help with the Health Insurance Marketplace application process.