Book Lovers
Book Lists
NYT Best Sellers
New York Times weekly lists is dedicated to books by or about people of African descent
ALA's Notable Books
Fiction, nonfiction, and poetry by year
National Education Association Booklists
NEA and compiled booklists
National Book Awards
Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, translated lit, and YA winners by year
1000 Books Before Kindergarten
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Kits for adults
Multiple copies of great books with discussion prompts
Library Cards
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Roller Girl
Hear members of the A2RD league read chapters of Roller Girl, the Newbery Award winning graphic novel by Victoria Jamieson, and get short skating lessons and safety tips.
Summer Challenge
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Over 20,000 ebooks and journal articles on a variety of subjects. Formerly known as the NetLibrary collection.
Download movies, television shows, music, comic books, eBooks, and eAudiobooks to your laptop or mobile device.
A full-text database with information on thousands of authors and their works across literary disciplines and timeframes. LRC includes plot summaries, essays of literary criticism, biographies, book reviews, poems, short stories, and author interviews.
Find biographical information about Michigan authors and illustrators of all genres and subjects.
Find just the right book by subject, age, awards won, books made into movies, and more. Read reviews and learn about the author. Create your own reading wish list. Includes tools for teachers, such as Lexile levels and Common Core standards.
Trusted source of read-alike recommendations to help kids and adults find books that are just right for their reading level and interest.
Download ebooks, audiobooks, and magazines to your computer, tablet, phone, or eReader.
Hundreds of thousands of poems, as well as short stories, biographies, and essays. Topics include the poetic forms, movements, and techniques.
Basic grammar and reading tools and adapted reading material for English Language Learners. is a statewide eBook collection consisting of eBooks published by local university presses about Michigan and the Great Lakes region.
Kids will love these animated, talking books! Watch your favorite children’s books come alive with narration, music, and interactive elements.
Book Browsing
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and in light of the temporary closures of public libraries and bookstores across the country, BookPage will be pausing the shipment of the April issue until the majority of its subscribing locations have reopened to the public. In the meantime, you can access the digital issue through