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We believe that original art holds a special place in public libraries. Not only does it enhance the ambiance but it is also an important ingredient of the full experience when visiting YDL.

Barry Avedon

Still Life with Melon
Oil on canvas

“During my early years of painting I was swept away by Abstract Expressionism. Young American artists moved away from subject matter and I was certainly one of them. In the past twenty years my better paintings have combined abstract thinking with personal subject matter. I enjoy the freedom of color choice, brush application and spatial relationships intertwined with references to the real world. This painting was created entirely from my imagination.”

Chris Bocklage

Cows in Heaven
Charcoal & Graphite

I draw because I like to make marks. These “marks” reflect my background as a draftsman, my interest in formal relationships and my allusion to cultural upbringing and sense of place. The act of mark making itself is symbolic of change and time passing, in other words, life itself.

Debra Jean-Smith Golden

Sun Square Moon
Acrylic on mylar

My work is about bringing to life what I observe with my eyes, and what I see through my mind’s eye. Visual art allows me to communicate in a way that words cannot. Symbolism has always played a key part in my work, whether it is through image or color, or both. I enjoy having viewers interpret the story with their understanding of the symbols. What does the sun mean to you?

Patsy Hartz

Compass Rose
Fabric & Paint Collage

The quilted image is part of a mariner’s compass. There are colored points representing the human spirit reaching out in all directions to find our place in the changeless reality. The sky represents that reality that is within and around us at all times.When the superficial falls away, oneness remains. A special effort was made to create symmetry between the art and architecture of the library.

Deborah Campbell

Mixed media collage

Of primary importance to my work are the symbolic properties inherent in cloth. I love the sensual quality of holding fabric in my hands and creating something from simple elemental materials. I find solace in connecting with stories that demonstrate the strength and fortitude that people discovered in themselves as they faced hardship and strayed far from home.

Margaret Davis

Oil on canvas

A key characteristic of my work is the straightforward figure/ground relationship. While developing this painting I was thinking about the “appetite” for the unknown. The rational reasons for our curiosity represented by the numerical sequences and our instinctual motivations represented by the fruit. Red and green also have this opposite and complimentary relationship.

Rose Eichenbaum

Gregory Hines
Cover photo, “Masters of Movement/Portraits of
America’s Great Choreographers”

Dancers, by and large, are very intelligent, highly intuitive and extremely creative. To be a dancer requires courage, stamina, dedication and a deeply felt passion. But what really makes them unique is their ability to survive in one of the most difficult professions. It’s the dancers’ ability to triumph over adversity that makes them extraordinary human beings.

Richard Fairfield

High relief silkscreened print

The traditional surface of a screened print is “poster like” or flat. I have worked at creating a surface that is self-reflecting and gives the illusion of depth. The surface cracks and indents. The print possesses physical depth and by manipulating the surface I reveal the content and hope to add surprise and mystery to the minimal image. Saturation of color adds to depth and subtlety.

Mark P. Gregg

Hidcote Manor Gardens
Digital photograph

My medium of choice for artistic expression is photography, a choice I probably made because it involves a blending of technology with perception. It certainly provides the opportunity to document life events, but more importantly, the opportunity to reflect and share in a very personal way our outlook on the world. Located in the Cotswolds, Hidcote is among my favorite gardens. Developed around the concept of rooms, visitors are treated to discoveries at every turn.

Helma Groot

There are Millions of Fish in the Sea, but Only One’s for Me
Acrylic, cloth, wood

I have fond memories of sitting under the kitchen table as a young child as my mother and her friends would be sewing. I have used sewing to make many three-dimensional pieces of artwork. The works invite touch, the way it’s hard to resist having your hand slide over a quilt or a lush piece of cloth in the fabric store. I spent some time on the Ohio River and observed the native fish and contemplated how two people coming together can alter lives in profound ways.

Albert Hirschfeld

Mary Poppins, Flying Over London
Donated by Michael Kunkel

I donated the pieces by world-renowned caricaturist Al Hirshfeld to the Ypsilanti District Library in honor of my nieces, Victoria and Lilly, and my nephew, Nathaniel. The library has been such an influential part of their lives and I wanted to express my gratitude for that. Appreciating the library’s emphasis on art (what a stunning collection they’ve acquired!), I thought these classic Hirshfelds — with their celebration of absolute simplicity – perfectly captured the light-hearted, whimsical natures of Victoria, Lilly, and Nathaniel and the infinite flights of fancy the library has provided countless patrons.