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Library Vehicle Usage Policy
Approved: 09/26/2013




The Ypsilanti District Library maintains a passenger vehicle for use in the daily operations of the library.

This policy is intended to direct the use and operation of any library vehicle.

Vehicle Use
Any vehicle owned or leased by the Library may be used by authorized drivers and for official library business only and under no circumstances will any library vehicle be used for personal business. Official business includes purchasing library materials and supplies, the transport of library materials and property between library facilities and program locations, the transport of library personnel (employees, board members) to library related conferences, workshops, and seminars, and the delivery of library materials to home bound residents living in the library’s district. The library’s Facilities Manager will be responsible for scheduling vehicle usage.

Vehicle Log
A trip log will be maintained for each library vehicle.

Vehicle Keys
The Facilities Manager will maintain a key log. All vehicle keys will be distributed by and returned to the Facilities Manager.

Vehicle Operators
Operators of any vehicle owned or leased by the Ypsilanti District Library must be current library employees and must have a valid, current motor vehicle operator license from the State of Michigan in their possession while operating a library vehicle. A photocopy of the employee’s license will be placed in his/her employee file. Employees authorized to operate library vehicles must report any change in the status of their license, such as restrictions or suspensions, to the library Business Office immediately.

Additionally, YDL currently subscribes to the State of Michigan “Driving Records Subscription Services” program. The State of Michigan provides the library with driving records and driving incident reports (tickets/accidents) of authorized library drivers. This program is provided by the Department of State, Commercial Services Section, at no charge to public entities.

Vehicle Operation

All vehicles operators must:

  1. Operate the vehicle in a safe, courteous, and efficient manner.
  2. Inspect the library vehicle for safe operating condition (brakes, exhaust, tires, fuel, and visibility) prior to each use.
  3. Wear a seat belt and ensure that each passenger wears a seat belt.
  4. Observe all federal, state, and local laws and regulations and posted speed limits. Employees who violate any laws or regulations are personally responsible for the payment of any fines or other penalties, including parking violations.
  5. Keep the library vehicle clean.
  6. Check the oil level when refueling.
  7. Lock the vehicle when unattended.
  8. Immediately report any traffic accident to the local police.
  9. Report any vehicle damage or theft to the Library Facilities Manager.

All vehicle operators must not:

  1. Transport persons not on official library business.
  2. Transport hitchhikers or strangers.
  3. Leave the vehicle unattended with the motor running.
  4. Leave the keys in an unattended vehicle.
  5. Leave library property (other than emergency equipment) in an unattended vehicle overnight.
  6. Operate the vehicle when under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or narcotics.
  7. Leave the scene of an accident.
  8. Willfully misuse or operate a library vehicle in a reckless manner.

The library Facilities Department will be responsible for maintaining any library owned or leased vehicle in a safe and sound working condition through regularly scheduled internal maintenance and external repair when necessary.

Accident Reporting
Any accident involving a library owned vehicle must be reported immediately to the local police. After an accident is reported to the police, it must then be reported to the employee’s immediate supervisor who will inform the library’s Business Office and insurance company. A YDL incident report must also be completed and given to the Library Director.

Failure to comply with the Library Vehicle Usage Policy may be cause for disciplinary action or immediate dismissal from employment.