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Library Public Relations and Media Policy
Approved: 05/27/2010




The Ypsilanti District Library seeks opportunities to notify media about library achievements, awards, accomplishments, and innovations in a proactive manner. This policy has been developed to ensure uniformity and continuity of the messages disseminating from the Ypsilanti District Library. It is a tool to facilitate communication with the media, officials, schools, and the residents of our service area.

It will guide the library’s efforts to accurately inform the community about activities, events, and incidents that take place within the library as well as information about its mission, services, and resources.

Newsletters, brochures, press releases and other promotional materials shall be produced and distributed through approved channels. All such materials shall originate with the Community Relations Coordinator and shall receive the approval of the Library Director prior to distribution.



1. Media

Contact with the media in a community is essential to promoting the library. While staff and trustees may represent the library in the community, the Library Director, Board President, and Community Relations Coordinator or other designee will act as the library’s official spokesperson in matters of a sensitive or controversial nature.

Individual staff may not speak to the public or media on behalf of the library unless authorized to do so.

Instances where staff may be authorized to speak to the media on behalf of the library fall into the area of operational inquiries:

    • Answering a reference question or providing materials from library collections
    • Talking about a particular program, exhibit, or service for which the library employee is responsible

All other media inquiries should be directed to the Library Director or designee, Community Relations Coordinator, or the Board President. If these contact persons are unavailable to take request, library staff will take a message from the media and convey it to a contact person at the earliest convenience.

2. Crisis Communication

In the case of media interest in controversial, negative, or crisis issues, every effort should be made to contact the Library Director, the Board President, or Community Relations Coordinator immediately. The Library Director or designee will prepare an informed statement which can be given when questions arise about particularly sensitive issues.

3. Public Records Requests

Requests from the media for public records should be handled promptly and be consistent with other YDL policies. All public record requests should be forwarded to the Library Director. When there are questions about whether the information requested can be released, the Library Director will consult with the library’s attorney.

4. Photography/Film

All photographers and videographers must seek permission from the Library Director or designee before taking photos or filming at the library. Official identification must be shown. Unattended children may not have their pictures taken.

5. Personal Opinion

When speaking to the public or the media about the library, library trustees and designated staff should be careful to define when their remarks represent personal opinion. It should be clearly stated and understood that they do not represent the library at that time.

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