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Get ready for YDL’s own Queen’s Gambit! Over the next year, the Ypsilanti District Library’s Chess Club will have new ways for players to test their mettle—and inspire even more females and those from underrepresented groups to participate—thanks to a $2,000 grant from U.S. Chess Federation (USCF).

Now in its third year, the club is a free, drop-in meetup for grades K-12, led by chess expert Jenny Skidmore Smith. The group meets from 4:30-5:30pm on Wednesdays. To be as accessible as possible, tournament players were not required to purchase USCF memberships, which meant YDL could not host a rated tournament.

In previous years, club meetups culminated in a casual, unrated tournament. With the grant funds, YDL can purchase a limited number of USCF memberships for regular club attendees, and the end-of- year tournament on April 12 will be rated, with pins for participants and trophies for winners.

Every first Wednesday (through April 2) the meetups will also include rated chess games, where students will learn to play with clocks (purchased with the grant funds). Additionally, YDL will buy a copy of ChessBase—an online tool to help players with tactics, game analysis, and game prep—so students can spend the third Wednesdays each month working on their own book of chess puzzles. Since part of the grant’s mission is  to inspire more female chess players, students will be encouraged to include information about their favorite female players in the book.

Second and fourth Wednesdays each month will include casual play and instruction by Skidmore Smith, who volunteers to teach the YDL Chess Club. Jenny is a lifelong chess player and has been a chess coach for  20 years. She has two sons who are also members of the YDL chess club, which typically has around 22 players at each session, and almost 80 individuals playing throughout the year.

The money from USCF will also fund a new teen intern. Alexis Buse is an experienced chess player who has attended chess club and participated in tournaments in previous years. Additional funds from Retirement Income Solutions will fund another intern who, along with Alexis, will mentor incoming female participants.

“Alexis is knowledgeable and will help new chess players learn the basics and play practice games, and be a  role model for younger females attending Chess Club,” said Jodi Krahnke, YDL’s Head of Youth Services.

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