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April 23-29 marks National Library Week 2023, a week dedicated to honoring libraries, library workers, and their impacts on their communities. This year’s theme is “There’s more to the Story.” This year’s Honorary Chair is Kelly Yang, the #1 New York Times bestselling author of many books for young readers, including the Front Desk series, New From Here, and Finally Seen.

There’s more to YDL’s story…

In our buildings and our community, we love showing off what we have to offer that goes beyond stories. This National Library Week, we hope you explore our buildings and website to find the many ways YDL opens doors to vital resources and connections in our community. Find out how we can help you find job resources, plant a garden, build school readiness skills, and much more.

If you’ve been to a YDL branch lately, you’ll notice hot spots, puzzles, Tools for Living Kits, and even a sewing machine! Want to build social connections? Attend book groups or craft clubs. Your library card can help you build job skills, stream movies, get discounted tickets to parks and museums, and a whole lot more.

How can you celebrate National Library Week?
  • Visit your library.
  • Tell your library story.

What role has the library played in your life? Post your story to Instagram, Twitter, or on the I Love Libraries Facebook page. Use the hashtag #MyLibraryStory. Courtesy of I Love Libraries, one randomly selected winner will receive a $150 Visa gift card and a Kelly Yang Front Desk poster. The promotion starts Sunday, April 23 at noon CT and ends Friday, April 28 at noon CT. 

  • Celebrate throughout the week

If you love the library and its services, celebrate National Library Week with us! There are 4 days of celebration within National Library Week. 

On April 24, the State of America’s Libraries Report is released, including the Top 10 Frequently Challenged Books of 2022. Click here to read the report.

All of the library staff (about 50-60) making various silly poses in front of the front desk at YDL-Whittaker.

April 25 is National Library Workers Day, a day for library staff, users, administrators, and Friends groups to recognize the valuable contributions made by all library workers. We thank our 69 staff members for their work in making the library a warm and welcoming place for everyone.

April 25 is also Michigan Library Advocacy Day this year! The YDL Bookmobile will celebrate by taking part in the festivities in Lansing as part of the parade of Bookmobiles providing boxed lunches during the day’s programs.

On April 26, celebrate National Library Outreach Day (formerly National Bookmobile Day), a day to celebrate library outreach and the dedicated library professionals who are meeting their patrons where they are.

April 27 is Take Action for Libraries Day, a day to rally advocates to support libraries. Use this day to lend your voice in support of libraries and the resources they provide to the community. Consider supporting YDL’s Next Chapter campaign for the Superior branch.