We have officially broken ground! Our Groundbreaking Celebration, held April 7, was an exciting milestone in the construction process. The enthusiastic in-person crowd, engaging speakers, and fabulous weather made for quite a memorable event. Thank you to Bank of Ann Arbor for sponsoring the livestream, which allowed many more people to attend remotely. If you missed the event, check out the recording on the YDL Youtube channel.
Thanks to an in-kind gift from Superior Township, we finalized the transfer of the land on March 29 for the rock-bottom price of one dollar. We are so grateful to Superior Township for the gift of this land and their enthusiastic support of the new library. We are also happy to announce a generous gift from Superior Township resident Bill Young. The Young Family Foundation has pledged $400,000 towards the construction of the library with $200,000 earmarked for a 2:1 challenge grant over the summer.
After an official bid opening on April 14, O’Neal Construction is reviewing bids for each aspect of the construction work. Over the next month, we will finalize the bid awards and contracts. Construction will begin shortly after the bids are finalized.
If you haven’t already, check out the recent press coverage about our new library:
- March 9, Lucy Ann Lance, 1290 WLBY
- April 2, CTN
- April 6, WEMU
This activity is supported in part by a gift from Bank of Ann Arbor.